Sunday, September 8, 2024

Clean hearts Brahmapur saved many helpless patients

One Sabitri Karkaria (65) of Revolkana village, Rayagada district in critical condition joined in MKCG Medical College for treatment. After all examination doctor advised that she is suffering for shortage of blood due to broken waist and wanting O+ve blood. Sabitri’s family contacted Brahmapur Clean Hearts, a leading voluntary organization. After that Narayan Sabat, a member of Berhampur team clean hearts came to blood bank and donate blood. Similarly, after the operation of a pregnant lady who came from Jaipur to MKCG Medical two days ago due to the need of B-ve blood. Her family tried a lot, but could not arrange blood. After the matter is circulated in social media, Berhampur team clean hearts President Bhairav ??Sahu came to medical as an angel to donate blood. Luckily Bhairav & pregnant lady’s both are same B-ve blood group. After receiving the blood the pregnant lady got second life & the family of lady thanks to Bhairav as well as to social activist Pradeep Sahu, Tushar Sahu and to animal lover-cum-journalist Lalatendu Choudhury for circulating need of blood in social media. According to the information, Bhairav already donated 31 units of blood to the helpless patients and his organization has gained fame in Ganjam district by donating more than 1000 units of blood. Such work of the organization has been highly praised in various intellectual circles as well as general public.

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