New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Jalgaon in Maharashtra and Jodhpur in Rajasthan on 25th August. At around 11:15 AM, the Prime Minister will participate in the Lakhpati Didi Sammelan.
At around 4:30 PM, the Prime Minister will be the Chief Guest at the concluding ceremony of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Rajasthan High Court in Jodhpur.
PM in Maharashtra
Prime Minister will visit Jalgaon to participate in Lakhpati Didi Sammelan. He will give certificates and felicitate 11 lakh new Lakhpati Didis, who recently became Lakhpati during the third term of the NDA Government. Prime Minister will also interact with Lakhpati Didis from across the country.
Prime Minister will release a Revolving Fund of Rs 2,500 crore which will benefit about 48 lakh members of 4.3 lakh Self-Help Groups (SHG). He will also disburse a bank loan of Rs 5,000 crore which will benefit 25.8 lakh members of 2.35 lakh SHGs
Since the inception of Lakhpati Didi Yoajna, one crore women have already been made Lakhpati Didis. The government has set a target to make 3 crore Lakhpati Didis.
PM in Rajasthan
Prime Minister will be the Chief Guest at the concluding ceremony of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of the Rajasthan High Court, to be held at the High Court Campus, Jodhpur. Prime Minister will also inaugurate the Rajasthan High Court Museum.