The Government of India has approved 12 new industrial smart city projects on 28th August 2024 with a total project cost of Rs. 28,602 crore (including land cost) for development of trunk infrastructure packages.
This information has been provided by the Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.
As per the approved institutional & financial framework of Industrial Corridor Programme, State Govt provides land and Government of India through National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT) provides the equity for development of internal trunk infrastructure components. The tentative construction timelines of trunk infrastructure are 36-48 months from the actual date of appointment of EPC Contractor.
The details of projects under National Industrial Corridor Programme at various stages are:
Sl. No. | Corridor | Name | Status |
1 | DMIC: Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor |
 Projects with trunk infrastructure completed |
Projects under development | ||
Projects recently approved by GoI on 28th Aug, 2024 | ||
2 | CBIC: Chennai Bengaluru Industrial
Corridor |
Projects under development |
3 | Extension of CBIC to Kochi via Coimbatore |
 Projects recently approved by GoI on 28th Aug, 2024  |
4 | AKIC: Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor |
5 | HNIC: Hyderabad Nagpur Industrial
Corridor |
6 | HBIC: Hyderabad Bengaluru Industrial
Corridor |
7 | VCIC: Vizag Chennai Industrial Corridor |
Each industrial city/area/node under National Industrial Corridor Development Program is managed by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). SPV may have suitable representation from private sector wherever the State Government decides to involve the private sector. It is also authorized to leverage innovative infrastructure funding and delivery tools such as user fee funding, pricing innovations, and delivery through various PPP arrangements for development of industrial smart cities. The State Government, as deemed appropriate, may also seek bi-lateral/multi-lateral funding for this purpose.
Focus sectors are defined differently for different industrial smart cities. The process involves preparation of market demand assessment report for defining focus sectors. Some of the focus sectors are Heavy Engineering, Auto & Ancillaries, General manufacturing, Pharma & Bio Tech, Electronics Industries, IT& ITES, Agro, Food processing, Computer, Electronic & Optical Products, Aerospace, Rubbers & Plastic, Fabricated Metal Products, R&D, ICT, Electronics Industries, Fabrications (semiconductors), Nanotechnology & Opto electronics.