Sunday, March 9, 2025

College boy Glorifies with JRC Sonepur

Sonepur (Pawan Agrawal) : Junior Red Cross (JRC), Subarnapur pursues assorted development for the community through Humanitarian Values. One boy named Krish Naik of Sonepur town who has just passed out matriculation-2022 with 85 % of marks went through financial crisis and her widowed mother requested the District Junior Red Cross Officer, Sonepur to extend some help to the needy family. JRCO, Sonepur (JRCO) Sj. Rabi Chandra Pasayat, Senior Resource Person Chandramani Bagh, Hrishikesh Dang, Counsellor Hemanta Meher, Gopesh Panda, Subrat Bishi rushed to the family and after having careful consideration of the fact they contributed Rs.10,000/- (Ten Thousand ) as an act of charity. This act made the young kid Krish Naik feel confident and possibly got admission in Plus +2 1ST Year Science Stream at Sonepur Raj College. The JRC Counsellors who became the part of this charity were Ashis Kumar Naik, Gouri Shankar Sahu, Sasmita Sahu, Tapaswini Dash, Nimai Mallik, Kumuda Kumar Matari, Dhruba Barik, Akunda Sahu and JRCO Bargarh Sj. Mahendra Acharya respectively. The District Education Officer, Sj. Laxman Bhoi accoladed the such action undertaken by JRC Sonepur. The ADEO, Sonepur Dr. Radhakanta Gartia, ADEO, Sonepur Smt. Manjulata Bhoi, JRC Secretary Sj. Himanshu Shekhar Kar, Vice-Chairman sj. Gatikrishna Mishra apprehended that such activities will be tinted in the calendar activities of District JRC Sonepur. The State JRCO, IRCS, OSB, Bhubaneswar sj. Laxman Swain appreciated such pious and glorifying support of JRC Sonepur for the cause of humanity.

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