Monday, March 10, 2025

Kaushal Deekshant Samaroh celebrated

Ganjam (Corresp.) : The Kaushal Deekshant Samaroh was celebrated by GramTarang at Pradhamanitri’s Kaushal Vikas Kendra at Kaliabali Square,Chhatrapur on Saturday. Around 90 students who have passed out from training of trades like sewing, inline, customer care and mobile repairing participated in the said ceremony. The chief guest in the said ceremony was Chhatrapur’s Block Education Officer (BEO) Sitaram Patra and Centurion +2 Science Higher Secondary School Principal, Dr.Lingaraj Sahu and Head of TNT Skill Center Ajay Dwibedi attended in the ceremony. The guests were welcomed at the beginning of the program. Mr.Dwibedi gave a speech about the aims and objectives of Kaushal Bharat. After this, Principal Sri Sahu, speech about skill development training, informed about employability and self-employment. In the end, the chief guest Sitaram Patra, encouraged the trainees to become self-reliant by giving them proper training and investing in real work.
Finally, the chief guest distributed training certificates to the trained students. At the end of the program, Surendra Nayak thanked the guests.To make the said program successful, the member of the institute Dipti Prasad Das, Surendra Naik, Jagbandhu Dwibedi, Girija Panda cooperated.

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