Tuesday, March 4, 2025

NIT Rourkela observed ‘International Sign Language Day’

Rourkela : NIT Rourkela observed ‘International Sign Language Day’ on 23rd September with the students of the Rourkela School for the Deaf. The event was organized by the Humanities and Social Sciences Department in LS seminar room of NIT Rourkela. Mrs. Rajshree Mohanty (Sign language senior teacher, Rourkela School for the Deaf) interpreted the addresses during the program.
The event started with the Sign Language Nation Anthem. Prof. Ramkrishna Biswal (Coordinator) gave the introductory remark and said, “The United Nations General Assembly, in 2017, proclaimed 23rd September as the ‘International Day of Sign Language. This year’s theme by ‘World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)’ is “Sign Language Unite Us”. There are approx. 72 million deaf people worldwide and 80% of them are from developing countries. Therefore, to raise awareness about the importance of sign language in our lives, NIT Rourkela has organized this event.” Prof. Rohan Dhiman (Registrar, NITR) thanked the School for collaborating for the event and proposed possible support from the institute through research and various activities.
On this occasion, Prof. K. Umamaheshwar Rao (Director, NIT Rourkela) interacted with the student and said, “Alike other languages, sign language is also the linguistic identity of a person. It is the natural form of expression which can simply be observed by a Mother-Child behaviour. It is heartening to see these children have the ability to use this universal tool of communication to interact with the rest of the world effortlessly. Verbal communication might be limited but thoughts are not, so keep thinking and crafting the ways of expression through sign language.”
Mrs. Kalpana Mahanta (Principal, Rourkela School for the Deaf) also addressed the gathering and details on activities taken up by the school. She thanked NIT Rourkela for organizing the event. The management team from the Rotary club of Rourkela Midtown for Rourkela School for the Deaf was present at the event. With the efforts of research scholars of the Humanities and Social Sciences Department (HS), segments like the game, videos, talk, and expression quiz were organized. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Narayan Sethi (Head of the Department, HS) and a mesmerizing dance performance by school children from Rourkela School for the Deaf.

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