Sunday, March 9, 2025


L.D. Gas Holder plays a very important part in the BSP’s Production efforts by providing vital fuel gas which is used in various units of BSP. Till date more than 1,00,00,000 M3 of Gas has been recovered & exported from the Gas Holder. The L.D Gas Holder of SMS-III was taken under shutdown from 21Aug-2022, for incorporating several safety modifications. These modifications were necessary to make the process of LD Gas recovery & Export through SMS3 Gas Holder, safe & reliable.
Energy Mgtt. Deptt. (EMD) collective took up the challenging task of carrying out the modification jobs in SMS3 Gas holder in one month duration. Due to the untiring efforts of the dedicated team of Mechanical, Electrical Maintt. & Operation Sections of EMD, these modifications works, requiring high degree of skills and safety precautions at site, have been done safely & successfully, with in house resources. After thorough testing of all the jobs done, Gas Holder was commissioned on 27th Sept, 2022.

Salient among the Modification jobs carried out are as given below:-
1)Provision of Hydraulic Non Return Valve(HNRV) in export Gas pipeline:
Provision of HNRV is an important safety requirement & is required to prevent back travel of high pressure BF gas into the low pressure Gas Holder. The entire Fabrication, Erection & Testing of HNRV was done successfully with in-house expertise by EMD (Mech.) collective.
2)Modification of Auto Purging Bleeder :
Auto Purging Bleeder in Gas Holder inlet gas pipeline was at a very low height & during purging there were chances of increased CO gas concentration at ground level in Gas Holder & adjoining areas. The bleeder height was increased & thus ensuring gas concentration is within safe range at ground level.
3)Introduction of Automatic system for High Gas Pressure situations
This safety requirement has been done for preventing failure of gas pipeline drainer seals during high gas pressure situations by introduction of pressure sensing auto bleeder valves .
4)Modification Of Volume Relief Valves:
In order to evacuate the gas holder proper, 2no’s of volume relief valves have been modified for operation from Ground level.
5)Provision of Isolation Valves in Gas Boosters
6)Provision of Positive isolation(Blanking) Flange & isolation valves in all Gas Pipeline U-Seals
All the jobs were carried out by EMD collective comprising Smt. U.V. Subhadra, GM(Oprn.); Shri Kamal Kumar, GM (Mech.); Shri C. Chandrashekhar, GM(I/c-Maintt.) & Shri S.K. Dashore, GM(I/c-Oprn.) under the leadership of Shri B.K. Sinha, GM(I/c-EMD). Regular recovery & Export of gas from LD Gas Holder of SMS3 will prove to a boon to BSP’s production with Benefits achieved out of this modification works being: enhanced safety, reliability of Gas Holder & assured availability of L.D Gas.

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