Saturday, March 15, 2025

SRAM and MRAM Technologies & Resources Limited, UK is announcing to invest 300 Crores INR (37Million USD approximately)

Bhubaneswar : SRAM and MRAM Technologies & Resources Limited, UK is announcing to invest 300 Crores INR (37Million USD approximately) into Bumble Bee Flights Pvt. Ltd. committing to the ‘Make in India’initiative supporting the ‘Make In Odisha’ Conclave of 2022 by getting Odisha into the global dronemap.
Bumble Bee Flights a Bangalore based start-up that specializes in developing AIpowered,complex and highly integrated Air Mobility Systems. Their first machine is an autonomous human carrying singles eatedd ronedesigned for Urban Air Mobility supporting use cases like AirAmbulance, Recreational movements and Heavy duty Logistical movement. These will be designed to meet the strict norms of Civil Aviation Authorities of different countries globally.
SRAM and MRAM Technologies & Resources Limited is a leading international organisation with 8 global alliances, 10 companiesspreadacross 35+ locations.SRAM and MRAM Technologies &Resources Limited Headquartered in London, diverse workforce of 600+ employees hail from 15different nationalities.
Bee1 is the first drone which is planned to be certified in multiple countries and is designed tooperate in the Global market. The company plans to build many such diverse and complex AirMobilitySystems intheyears tocome.
“We are committed to the Make in India movement and today wear eannouncing our investment of 300 Crores to Bee Flightsto build the future starting from right here in Make In Odisha Conclave2022.We share a common vision of the importance of asustainable future using Electric Air Mobility Systems. We are proud to beap art of this common future vision”said Dr.Gurujee Kumar an Swami,Vice Chairman, SRAM and MRAM Technologies & Resources Limited. Bumble Bee Flights Pvt.Ltd. istargetingan Air Taximarket, to start with,which is claimed to expand to a Trillion Dollar Market.
“It’s with immense pleasure that we announce our collaboration with the Prestigious SRAM andMRAM Technologies & Resources Limited from UK. We are committed to support the Make in Indiainitiative building for the Globe. We are happy to commit to the Make in Odisha juggernaut whichhas given us this platform to commence placing Odisha, India in the global drone map. Sustainable,noem issionverticalm ovement is the future and we are ready to give wings to this vision .We thank Mr. Gaurav Ralhan, CEO of Health on Top, for being our strategic partner instrumental in making this investment a reality”, said Arjun Das,CEO,Bumble Bee Flights Pvt. Ltd. India.

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