Rourkela : Director In- Charge’s Special Awards were presented to different departments and committees of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant for outstanding contributions in upgradation, beautification and branding jobs in the Steel Township during the World Cup Hockey. The awards were presented at the SAIL Day Celebrations organized at Ispat Stadium on 24th January. Mr. Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge (RSP) and the Chief Guest of the event handed over the awards. Present on the occasion were Mr. A R Suryawanshi, ED (Works), Mr. P K Satapathy, ED (P&A), Mr. Somnath Tripathy, ED (MM), Dr. B K Hota, ED (M&HS), and a large number of other senior officers and employees.
The recipients of the awards were Town Engineering (Town Engineering – Civil, Electrical & Water Supply, Public Health& Horticulture), Town Services, Shops Departments(Mechanical Shop and Structural &Fabrication Shop), Field Machinery (Maintenance), Design Department, Public Relations Department and Branding committee, Protocol & Hospitality Services, Fire Services, Sports and Communication Engineering Department, Finance and Accounts, AMR, Projects, Project MM and Project Finance, Medical and Health Services.