Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Site demarcation for new PHC at Kukudakhandi

Kukudakhandi : (Sources) It’s said that there’s a Govt. Dispensary in the middle of a narrow street in Kukudakhandi village being the Block Head Quarter. The people of the Block are dependent on the said Government Hospital. As the Hospital is situated in a narrow street the public face a lot of traffic problems for parking. So there’s a high demand for the construction of a new hospital building with adequate facilities since long. However the Government administration has taken steps accordingly and selected a place beside the main SH (Proposed NH) near the Tahasil Office in a Government Land. The land acquisition work has been completed acquiring (77Ă—77) meters of area and accordingly an estimated cost of Rupees about 10 crores has been sanctioned by the Hon’ble CM. The architect engineers
Er. Santoshi Pradhan and Er. Roshan Dash from Bhubaneswar had visited the site today and prepared the building plan testing the soil in the presence of the Tahasildar Kalyani Sanghamitra Devi, Block Chairman Kamakshi Prasad Patro, PWD JE Dillip Kumar Choudhury, NHM Nibedita Mishra, Balakrushnna Pattanayak and the RI concerned. The steps taken by the Government is being praised by one and all.

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