New Delhi: Acclaimed poet Kumar Vishwas landed up in a major controversy on Wednesday as his security staff allegedly thrashed a doctor brutally and mercilessly on Noida-Aligarh highway.
Fracas broke out between Kumar Vishwas convoy and a doctor named Pallav Bajpayee apparently after their vehicles suffered a collision. Following this, the doctor was beaten black & blue apparently at the behest of noted poet.
The matter initially surfaced as daylight assault on Kumar Vishwas convoy as latter took to X (formerly called Twitter) and informed about an unknown person hitting his car from behind also getting into heated altercation with CRPF personnel. However, within minutes, the flip side of the story surfaced as the doctor, with injuries & blood on his face came before the media to put forward his point.
कुमार विश्वास के इशारे पर उनके सुरक्षा कर्मियों द्वारा झाड़ियों में ले जाकर एक डॉक्टर को बुरी तरह लात घूसों से मारा पीटा गया बे खून से लथपथ थे।ग़ाज़ियाबाद पुलिस तत्काल इसका संज्ञान ले और FIR दर्ज कर कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित करे।@myogiadityanath @dgpup pic.twitter.com/4cmZPVjMxm
— Shyam Yadav (@shyamyadav2408) November 8, 2023
What the doctor said on brazen assault:
सिक्योरिटी मिलने का मतलब ये नहीं की रास्ते पर चलते लोगों से दादागिरी की जाये और साइड ना देने पर मारपीट की जाये। जब मामला फँस जाये तो उल्टा आरोप भी लगा दो।
डॉक्टर की बात सुनें तो मामला समझ आ जायेगा कि गलती किसकी है। #Kavikumar pic.twitter.com/Jn2xX4PvvY
— Jitender Sharma (@capt_ivane) November 8, 2023