Sunday, September 8, 2024

Chief Secy appeals for ‘plastic-free picnic’ across Odisha ahead of Christmas and New Year – N.F Times

Bhubaneswar: Chief Secretary Pradeep Kumar Jena today appealed to the people of Odisha to have picnics sans the use of plastic. Odisha State Pollution Control Board and ‘Youth for Water’ (a social organisation) are conducting a state-wide awareness campaign in this regard, the Chief Secretary said.

Several environment lovers, social organisations, and conscious individuals have also been conducting public awareness campaigns at their respective levels, ahead of the New Year. “Such efforts are highly praiseworthy and welcome steps,” the Chief Secretary expressed.

“I appeal to the people of Odisha to extend their support and join hands with Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) for a plastic-free society. It will not only help keep our environment clean and green but also ensure a safe and healthy tomorrow for our future generations,” Chief Secretary Jena stated.

Picnickers and tourists visit picnic spots and tourist destinations during Christmas and New Year. They should avoid using single-use plastic materials as much as possible. Instead, they should use plates, spoons, and cups made of biodegradable materials and must not forget to clean the picnic spots before leaving. Picnickers should dispose of the waste materials at designated garbage bins kept for the purpose.

“We all must act as ‘Ambassadors of Green Picnic’ and spread this message to our near and dear ones. I extend my best wishes for the upcoming Christmas and New Year,” the Chief Secretary added.

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