Saturday, September 7, 2024

Colour-changing cosmetics are all the rage – N.F Times

Mumbai: Colour-changing products are those that change their colour upon contact with your skin and are generally available in a few colours like green, black, or clear. But upon application, they transform into a colour “according to your skin’s pH level (as marketed by the companies).”

Colour-changing products are not a new thing; in fact, they date back to the 1920s. According to IntotheGloss, a brand called Tangee produced the first-ever colour-changing product, a lipstick, at that time.

However, the trend resurfaced when Youthforia, a USA-based brand, introduced “colour-changing blush oil.” This product was green, but upon application on the face, it turned pink.

When the trend gained momentum in the West, many Indian brands followed suit, bringing ‘colour-changing’ products to the market. But Indian consumers have their preferences.

Colour-changing makeup products cannot “detect” your natural skin tone and adjust the colour to match it (as advertised).

Other products use dyes trapped in a waxy or gel-like substance. As you apply the product and rub it onto your skin, the capsules break, releasing the colour. The more you blend it in, the more it seems to adjust to your skin chemistry. Creams or powders often contain these kinds of encapsulated colours.

The colour you get when you apply these products depends on several factors, including the pH of your skin.

pH measures how acidic or basic a substance is. Some colour-changing cosmetics change colour based on the pH level of the skin or the environment. For example, a lipstick might appear different in colour, but change into a different shade once applied on the lips, depending on the skin’s pH.

These colour-changing products, according to experts, do come with side effects.

Always perform a patch test when experimenting with such products, as some ingredients in colour-changing products may cause irritation, redness, or itching, particularly for those with sensitive skin.

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