Sunday, September 8, 2024

10 Most Haunted Places On Earth – N.F Times

The world is a vast, mysterious place filled with beauty, adventure and good times…but some places have happier histories than others. For every story that gets us excited to book our next trip abroad, there’s a creepy tale of terror, dread, and unexplained horrors. If you’re not a believer in the supernatural we promise you’ll return a new person after you hit up the most haunted places on earth.

1. Aokigahara – “Suicide Forest”  Tokyo, Japan

Just beside Mount Fuji lies the eerie Aokigahara forest where an estimated 100 people commit suicide in the forest’s deep brush every single year. The forest is so dense that many of the corpses go undiscovered for years. When visiting, make sure to hike alongside a local or follow the tape that lines the trails to the exit, that is of course if the mournful spirits don’t decide to take you on an unexpected detour first.

2. Isla de las Munecas – “Island of the Dolls” Mexico City, Mexico

Outside of Mexico City between 2 canals sits the Island of the Dolls. Legend has it that the caretaker of the island was so distraught by a young girl’s drowning on the island that he began collecting thousands of dolls and hanging them from the trees to appease her spirit. If that’s not creepy enough visitors to the island have been known to see the dolls turning their heads and opening their eyes.

3. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum – Phnom Penh, Cambodia

In the 1970’s a former high school was converted into the notorious S-21 prison by the Khmer Regime where an estimated 20,000 prisoners were executed. Today the school/prison has been transformed into a museum where the ghosts of the dead are still said to haunt the halls. Of the 20,000 prisoners that experienced the horror of S-21, only approximately 6 to 12 are rumored to have survived the genocide.

4. Les carrières de Paris – “The Catacombs” – Paris, France

The Catacombs beneath the streets of Paris are home to the remains of over 6 million people. As a result of overcrowding in the cemeteries above ground, city officials started to place bones of the dead in the old mining tunnels beneath the city streets. It is said that the spirits of the countless dead still lurk in the shadows and some have even been caught on tape.

5. Valley of the Kings, Egypt

The Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb in the center of the pyramid is supposedly cursed; anyone who disturbs Tut’s resting place will allegedly die a painful and violent death. There have been several accounts of a man dressed in 19th-century attire roaming beneath the ancient stones.

6. The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Canada

Don’t let The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel’s stunning features fool you. This hotel located in the Canadian Rockies is as haunted as they come. The most famous ghost of the hotel is a young bride who fell down a flight of stairs on her wedding day. While she tumbled, her dress caught fire and she quickly burned to death. She is said to be seen still dancing in the ballroom some nights, desperately pining for the first bride and groom dance she tragically missed.

7. Pripyat, Ukraine

Pripyat is a ghost town in Northern Ukraine that has been fully abandoned ever since the world’s worst nuclear diaster in Chernobyl, forced all of the city’s residents to evacuate. Witnesses of the disaster are said to have seen a mysterious large black bird minutes before, possibly as a warning of the terror to come. The 50,000 residents of Pripyat had less than 2 hours to pack up all of their worldly belongings and leave. The sense of urgency still remains through the sight of abandoned possessions and hastily rummaged through furniture.

8. Eastern State Penitentiary, Pennsylvania, America

There are few things on Earth as creepy as an old prison, especially one that is haunted, which is exactly the case in Pennsylvania at the Eastern State Penitentiary. Although the prison was closed and abandoned in 1971 there have been many reports of the prison’s past visitors still lurking in and out of the bars.

9. Gunkanjima “Hashima Island”, Japan

Some of you may recognize this tiny abandoned coal mining island from James Bond’s Skyfall, but what most of you probably don’t know is that this island is as haunted as they come. When the island was occupied, the miners were more or less forced to tirelessly work away in hellishly hot and humid conditions up to 1,000 meters beneath the ocean in expansive, rickety shafts. Miners fell victim to problems like collapsing mine shafts, toxic fumes, and gas explosions. Approximately 200 people died in the depths of the mine.

10. Hanging Coffins, Sagada, Philippines

As if coffins weren’t scary enough, an ancient tribe in the Philippines has been hanging them on the sides of cliffs for more than 2000 years. This traditional burial is practiced in part because ancient tribes believe that the higher the body is buried, the closer the dead are to their ancestral spirits. The coffins are either tied or nailed to the sides of cliffs, and are only about one metre in length, with the corpse buried in the fetal position because the tribes believe that a person should leave our world the same way they entered it. Sagada is reachable from Manila after about a 12 -13 hour bus ride through the mountains.


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