Sunday, September 8, 2024

Yoga Poses To Reduce Weight Fast – N.F Times

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for many millennia. Yoga provides us with tools and techniques to lead a stress-free and tension-free life.

Are there yoga poses for weight loss? How does yoga for weight loss help reduce our weight?

Yoga poses for weight loss is an excellent form of exercise. When stressed, our bodies release a hormone called cortisol, which can cause us to hold onto extra weight, particularly in the belly area. Practicing yoga for weight loss reduces stress and cortisol levels, making it easier to shed those extra pounds.

What are some of the yoga asanas for weight loss? Let us explore.

1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

The king of asanas, Surya Namaskar, is a series of poses often used as a warm-up in yoga classes. It works on the whole body, making it the ideal set of yoga exercises for weight loss. It tones the neck, shoulders, spine, arms, hands, wrists, leg and back muscles. The key lies in the manner in which it is done. For the best results, do it while keeping your navel tucked in.

One round of Surya Namaskar consists of two sets of 12 yoga poses each and burns up to 13.90 calories for an average weighing person. Therefore, you can set a target for yourself and slowly increase the number of Surya Namaskar rounds to 108. When you reach this number, you will find a leaner you.

2. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

A woman doing Virabhadrasana, with one leg forward and bent at the knee, while the other leg is extended backwards.

Birabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) tones the legs, arms and lower back. It also builds stamina which further aids in doing a strenuous yoga workout. While maintaining the pose, it is recommended to take ujjayi breaths (a pranayam that builds heat in the body and relaxes the mind) as it gives strength to hold the pose. Additionally, the Warrior Pose can help improve metabolism by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. As you build muscle through the Warrior Pose, you enhance your body’s ability to burn calories and fat even when resting.

3. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This is Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), a form of yoga to lose belly fat.

Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose) is one of the best yoga to lose belly fat. It induces a stretch in the abdominal region, which loosens the fat and tones the arms and legs. While it may not be a direct weight loss tool, incorporating the Bow Pose into your yoga for weight loss can indirectly support weight control efforts by helping to build muscle and improve metabolism. While the Bow Pose can be a helpful addition to a weight loss plan, it should be combined with other healthy practices, such as a clean diet, to see significant results.

4. Konasana (Angle Pose)

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