Sunday, September 8, 2024

6 Including 5 Chinese Workers Killed in Pakistan Terrorist Attack – N.F Times

New Delhi: A suicide terrorist attack in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province resulted in the death of 6 including 5 Chinese citizens, working on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects. The attack has raised concerns about the security of Chinese nationals working in Pakistan.

The Chinese were working on the Dasu hydropower project, a 4,320 MW project constructed by China Gezhouba with funding from the World Bank.

China has asked Pakistan for a fast-forward investigation into the incident and to punish the culprits responsible for the suicide attack as soon as possible. China also demanded better security for Chinese nationals in Pakistan. The attack also raised speculation that Beijing may force Islamabad to accept its security agencies to guard the CPEC projects

Despite the deadly attack, keeping faith in Pakistan, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said, “Our two countries are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. Our iron-clad friendship is deeply rooted in the two peoples. No attempt to sabotage China-Pakistan cooperation will ever succeed.”

Meanwhile, Pakistan PM Sharif has called for a joint investigation to identify the terrorists. Pakistan security analysts believe that extremist groups, including the Balochistan Liberation Army, are behind the attacks.

The attack current attack reminded the attack of 2021, in which nine Chinese nationals and four Pakistani people were killed.

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