Bhubaneswar: Odisha Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida has announced that all beneficiaries of the BJP government’s Subhadra Yojana will receive their first installment by March 8. With 92 lakh women applying and 25.11 lakh already receiving funds, the number of beneficiaries will reach 1 crore within a week. The second installment is also set for disbursement on International Women’s Day.
While the beneficiaries continue to apply for the new BJP government’s ambitious scheme, Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida assured that those who have not received the first installment yet need not worry. The first installment will be credited to their bank accounts by March 8. As the transfer is being done through online mode, it is taking time. However, all the beneficiaries will get the second installment on the same day, which is International Women’s Day.
Deputy CM Parida emphasized that the four slabs to reach the beneficiaries of Subhadra Yojana will be finalized soon, ensuring that all eligible beneficiaries receive the assistance. Other than taxpayers, all eligible beneficiaries have received the assistance.