Sunday, March 9, 2025

BDA launches sub-plot regularisation cells for public convenience – N.F Times


Bhubaneswar: The Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) has established as many as four facilitation cells for sub-plot regularisation and proposed layout plan approval in the offices of District Sub Registrar, Bhubaneswar, Khandagiri, Balianta and Jatni for convenience of general public.
The cell will assist the general public either seeking to sub-divide their land or to regularize the unauthorisedly sub-divided land for the purpose of converting in to homestead (Gharabari Kisam) purpose. The cell will further assist in preparation of plan and making application for approval of layout plan by the urban local bodies or BDA.
The cell will function on all working days during the working hours while the details of the cell and the location have been uploaded on the official website of the BDA ( BDA said that two employees each have been deployed to the cells.
The State government in 2015 had imposed restrictions on grant of building permissions on plots which have been sub-divided into sub-plot unauthorisedly without obtaining approval of the concerned Development Authorities/ULBs under provisions of ODA Act 1982. At a later stage, in 2017 and 2022, Government has brought two different schemes of regularization of such unauthorized layout by depositing required compounding fee, as applicable. The facilitation cell will help the applicants seeking to regularize their un-authorised sub-plots under these Schemes.
Application for building plan approval over the regularized sub-plot will be considered in accordance with the land-use specified in the Development Plan and the Planning and Building Standards rules or regulations, in operation and such other provisions are also applicable at the time of such application.


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