Saturday, September 7, 2024

SMS-II creates another record

A new record was created at new slab caster # 6 of SMS-II when 33 heats were cast through a single tundish which is only guaranteed to provide a life of 17 heats. Applauding this achievement, Shri Anjani Kumar, ED (Works), Bhilai Steel Plant and Shri Tapas Dasgupta congratulated the SMS-II collective for achieving this commendable feat.
On this occasion, Shri S K Ghosal, CGM (SMS-II) cut a cake in CP1 of caster # 6 amongst the cheers and applauds of SMS-II team. Emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement, he said that Continuous Casting Shop of SMS-II is now fully geared up to scale new heights by focusing on Safety, Continuous Improvement, Operational discipline and Time Based Maintenance. Also present on this occasion were Shri Sudhir Kumar, GM(SMS-II), Shri Yogesh Shastri, GM(SMS-II) Mech, Shri N Shrikanth, Shri S Debsikdar, Shri T Govind, Shri N Ramesh, Shri Sovan Mishra, Shri Saurabh Jain, Shri IB Mishra, Shri Rajiv Shrivasatav, Shri K Rajkumar.
The Caster # 6 team led by Shri Alok Mathur, GM (O), CCS shared that they were able to enhance the number of heats through Tundish by maintaining a very strict operational regime and measuring Tundish Shell temperature on continuous basis. Marching ahead, it may be noted that while the team was celebrating casting 33 heats through a single Tundish in previous sequence, a new record of 34 heats was being created right outside the control room as the ladle carrying 34th heat was swung in casting position. Shri S K Ghosal congratulated all for this excellent performance and enthused them to keep this spirit of continuous improvement alive and vibrant.

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