Saturday, September 7, 2024

Be Careful while taking ADMISSION : Give first Priority to Government Colleges

Bureau Head (PKB) 4/5/23 : Education prevalent in the present society has become commercial and profit-making its primary goal particularly in private schools and colleges. Parents are paying huge amount of their hard earned money to private colleges but not getting there the required qualitative education. Those who are aspiring to become teachers on the basis of their excellent academic careers usually get selected for government educational institutions and becoming teachers. Therefore, parents are advised now a days to give first priority to government colleges. This is opined by many sensitive parents.

Mrs Nandini Panigrahi, an ex govt teacher of Jeypore while sharing her opinion to us told ” Private institutions are looting parents in the name of facilities ” Most of the private colleges in this tribal district of koraput need to focus on the financial strength of the parents, She advised. Further, these private colleges are paying salary hand to mouth to their teachers but collecting handsome amount from parents. I have two sons, both studied from VD College and now well settled in life.

Similarly speaking to our correspondent, the renowned educationist Mr Prakash Mishra said ” Some parents are deliberately joining their kids in private institutions but after completion of education are crying for government jobs. This is hypocracy . Those who have outstanding career records are facing interviews before a panel of highly qualified and experienced professors after qualifying the written test for government teaching posts, reasoning obviously, government colleges have good and excellent teachers who can groom our children better ”

The selection of teachers in private colleges is different. Even if by chance, someone got selected through his brilliance or teaching skills hardly stay for six months because the salary given is not good enough to buy his bread and butter. Many professionals in the field of teaching do advice the parents not to be attracted by the rosy looking building structures of either a private college or a school rather give first priority to government colleges of either the state or centre.
Now, it is admission time. Very attractive advertisements would appear in the front page of the newspapers with battery of lies. So be careful while joining as advised by many intellectuals. Government colleges are flooded with facilities now a days. Thus, pay less and get good qualitative education from government institutions.

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