Monday, March 10, 2025

“RAKSHAK” 2nd Phase Training Concludes

Balangir (Corresp.) : The RAKSHAK, Road Safety Training programme for 2nd Phase organized in 3 different places for consecutive 3 days in Balangir District with the initiatives of Regional Transport Office , Balangir. The 1st day programme was held at Degree College, Loisingha , 2nd day programme was held at Panchayat Samiti Degree College, Deogaon and 3rd day programme was held at Govt. College, Balangir respectively. The Road users, the owner of Dhabas, the Shopkeepers, Tea sellers, the Grocers, the vendors of road sides were given scope to undergo this training. The RTO, Balangir Sj. Dash Prabhas Kumar presided over all these three training programmes. The panel of Guests who attended on the 1st day was Additional Collector Sj. Lambodhar Dharua, 2nd day Guest Sub-Collector , Sj. Balangir Kumar Nag Bhusan and valedictory day was Additional Collector Sj. Mahendra Mahapatra and inspired the trainers for saving the life of commuters. The panel of Honble guests who attended the programmes were Sj. Sampurnananda Bej, Tahasildar , Loisingha, Sj. Govinda Chandra Sahu, Principal, Loisingha College, Sj.Jugal Kishor Biswal, Tahasildar, Degaon, Sj. Jagat Jivan Sa, AOIC, Deagon Police Station, Sj. Ramesh Chandra Padhani, Principal, Degaon College, Sj. Amrutlal Behera, Tahasildar, Balangir, Dr. Ashok Mahapatra, Principal, Balangir College, Sj. Jashobanta Chinara, Traffic Inspector, Balangir, Sj. Kanhu Charan Banara, MVI, Balangir respectively. The Trainers were imparted training on Road Safety, First Aid, Use of 112, Role of First Responder and shifting methodology through demonstration by the Master Traners. Ram Narayan Dash, Red Cross Worker was felicitated with certificate and Prize Money of Rs. 2000/- for his service rendered as Good Samaritan. The team of Master Trainers who imparted training were Dr. Daitari Pujari, Sj. Madan Mohan Padhan, Rasmi Rani Dash, Ram Narayan Dash, Prabhakara Chhanda, Aravinda Kumbhar, Duryodhan Pasayat, Biranchi Narayan Dash, Dr. Purnachandra Tripathy respectively. The Junior Revenue Assistant, (JRA) Sj. Srikanta Nayak briefed the objectives of RAKSKAK and the Section Officer Sj. Krutartha Kalsai passed on vote of thanks involved in RAKSHAK training.

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