Monday, March 10, 2025

Ispat Post Graduate Institute & Super Specialty Hospital of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant receives coveted Pollution Control Appreciation Award for effective Environment Management

Rourkela : Ispat Post Graduate Institute & Super Specialty Hospital (IPGI & SSH) of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) received the coveted Pollution Control Appreciation Award for the year 2022 under the Health Care Unit Category from the State Pollution Control Board, Odisha. Mr. Pradip Kumar Amat, the Hon’ble Minister Minister of Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water, Forest, Environment & Climate Change, Information and Public Relation presented the award during the 39th Foundation Day Ceremony of State pollution Control Board, Odisha held on 14th September at Bhubaneswar.The award was given in recognition of the effective pollution control measures and sound environment management practices adopted in the Hospital. Dr. L K Biswal, CMO (Medical & Health Services), RSP and Mr. P C Das, GM In-charge (Environment Engineering Department) received the award.
It is noteworthy that the State Pollution Control Board, Odisha gives away Pollution Control excellence/appraisal awards every year to the Industry/Mines/Health Care Unit, in recognition of their outstanding contributions in the field of environment.
It is noteworthy that the 250 bedded Modern Super Specialty Hospital with the State-of-the-art facilities has all the latest comprehensive systems at place for the effective environment management. The different pollution control measures adopted in IPGI &SSH include one 200 KiloLitre per Day (KLD) capacity dedicated Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) to treat 162 KLD of waste water generated from the Hospital. The treated water is being recycled back for flushing and gardening purpose. Besides, one 30 KLD capacity dedicated Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) has been installed to treat the waste water generated from the Operation theatre Laboratory and Lundry. The treated water from the ETP and the Domestic as well as flushing effluent is being treated in a 200 KLD STP. The unit has 4 Rain Water Harvesting pits, 3 storm water collection or recharge shafts and 3 recharge structures for roof water harvesting at selected locations. DG Stacks have been provided to control air pollution during power failures and acoustic enclosure also provided to mitigate the noise pollution. Also the Bio Medical wastes generated from the unit are being effectively treated in an incinerated system by engaging an SPCB authorized agency certified for collection, reception, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of Biomedical Waste. Similarly, the other solid waste generated in the hospital is collected in bags and disposed safely in earmarked Sanitary Landfills.

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