Sunday, March 9, 2025

Agnipath recruitment schedule at Rangeilunda air strip

Ganjam (Corresp.) : A special Army Recruitment Ralley is scheduled to be held at Rangeilunda Air Strip camp w.e.f to 1st Nov.2022 under the direct control of the collector and DM Ganjam Mr DivyaJyoti Parida under ” *Agnipath* ” Yojana to facilitate the unemployed youth of southern Odisha. A preparatory meeting was held at Chatrapur by the order of the Collector under the chairmanship of the Sub Collector Leena Kumari Khesh. It was focused that the Collector Ganjam gives more importance to the fair and impartial selection of the “Agni veers” and not to try through Back door policy by the fraud people. Transparency must be adhered scropously. The aspirant can register their names through online to take part in the recruitment Rally which is scheduled to be held in the 1st week of Nov said the director of the recruitment cannel Ananda Tanti. All relevant arrangements will be done by the district administration Ganjam. There are some notorious people wandering telling that they have good contact with the army officers concerned to be selected by giving bribe of money. “Be aware of those fraud people” said the Collector and DM and the director cum army officers Cornel Ananda Tanti. The district sports officers Sukanta Mishra, Asst Collector M.P.K Behera, Regional Recruitment Director Ravan murti Khillani, RTO Manav Rajan Sahu, Berhampur Sub divisional I & P.R.O Rasmi rani Nimaka and many other officers concerned were present in the meeting. In the end the DI & P.R.O Rabi Narayan Behera gave vote of thanks to the dignitaries present and seeked everybody co-operation for make the programme successful in the fair manner.

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