Monday, March 10, 2025

Gopalpur beach cleaned on the eve of World Tourism Day

Ganjam (Corresp.) : 27th September is celebrated as Tourism Day all over the world. In view of the World Tourism Day, cleanliness and awareness campaign has been started at Gopalpur beach by the NSS branch of Parla Maharaja Engineering College. More than 60 students from NSS branch of the college reached Gopalpur from 6 o’clock in the morning. Steps were taken towards the cleanliness by picking up plastic bottles and litter from the beginning to the end of the beach. To create awareness, they went round the beache with banners and also created awareness on social media. How tourists should keep the beach clean and how cleanliness measures should be taken for the guests coming from outside, awareness through posters and different slogans were taken to involve more and more students in the afternoon. University NSS Coordinator Dr. Chittaranjan Mallu welcomed the initiative and inspired the students. University’s distinguished faculty members Dr. Vyanranjan Mohanty, Dr. Saurabh Bhoi and faculty member Ranumayi Singh carried out the major program. Other professors of the college such as Pangam Mohanty, Dr. Bhagwat Panda wished good luck to the major students at the launch of the program. At the end of the program, a meeting was organized in the Sea Beach and the participant students expressed their views on environmental awareness. The students expressed their opinions towards the creation of Gandhiji’s dream of India and the creation of a clean green environment. The chairman of the college, Professor Ranjan Kumar, praised the efforts of the students by providing buses and necessary materials to the NSS students.

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