Thursday, March 13, 2025

Karm Shiromani awards given to Non-Works employees

Employees of SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant’s Non-Works department were felicitated with Karm Shiromani Awards recently. Employees are shortlisted for this award for innovations, better resource utilisation, following Safety standards etc. at the workplace. A certificate,momento, letter of appreciation and a sweet packet was given to Karm Shiromani awardees. The Shiromani Award ceremony was organized in the auditorium of Ispat Bhavan.

Shri Soumitra Biswas, Data Processing Controller, Shri Thalesh Kumar Sinha, Data Processing Controller from C & IT department, Shri Tuka Ram from Material Management Department, , Shri Sanjay Kumar Nayak, Senior Staff Assistant from L & A Department, , Shri Praveen S. Lal, Sr. Technician from Finance and Accounts Department, JSA (Finance), Shri Sant Ram Sahu, Additional Labor Welfare Officer, Personnel -Rajhara Mines, Ms. Sarvari Begum Shaikh, Section Officer from Personnel’s P&E zone and Shri Devendra Kumar Sinha, Junior Staff Assistant from Personnel NW’s were feliicitated on the occasion.
Shri PK Jha , CGM (C & IT)), Shri DN Karan , CGM (Finance & Accounts), Ms. Nisha Soni , CGM (Personnel), ) Shri Jacob Kurian, GM (LA & PR), Ms. Sonali Mukherjee, GM (C & IT,) Shri Sameer Gupta, GM (C & IT)), Ms. Asha Rani Pathak, GM I/c (Purchase), Shri SK Soni, GM (Pers-NW & Mines) Ms. Sumita De, ,GM (C & IT)),Ms. Neena Jaiswal, , GM (C & IT)),)Shri Rajesh Kumar Sahu, GM (C & IT), Ms. Anubha D. Mahale, GM (MP&RD) Ms. G.M.V. Padmini Kumar, SM(Pers-TSD), Ms. Usha Saji, SM (P-NW) and Shri Girish Mandharia , AM(and (Personnel- P&E) were present on the occasion.

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