Saturday, March 15, 2025

Innovative effort of EMD team of SAIL, RSP helps ensure uninterrupted production and enhanced reliability

Rourkela : An innovative effort of the Quality Circle Team ‘Urja’ of Energy Management Department (EMD) of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has helped in ensuring uninterrupted production and enhanced equipment availability in key production units of the plant. The team successfully implemented a project titled ‘Modification in Low Pressure (LP) Nitrogen (N2) line for uninterrupted production in Iron & Steel (I&S) Zone and Rolling Mill (RM) side units’.
It is noteworthy that the EMD was facing problem for supplying uninterrupted Nitrogen to Ironand Steel Zone and the Rolling Mill Side during shutdown of NB 800 main Low Pressure Nitrogen supply line from Oxygen Plant-2 to Oxygen Plant-1 since many years. Also inconsistent nitrogen supply was impacting the life of the pipes besides causing safety issues and breakdowns. The ‘URJA’ Quality Circle team comprising Mr. S K Panda, SOST, Mr. A N Behera and Mr. J Acharya, both Master Technicians, Ms. S Kumari and Mr. T E Rao, both SOSTs took up the challenge to address the problem.
The team after thorough brainstorming and analysis, drew an action plan to interconnect second phase modernization Zone-5 NB400 Low Pressure nitrogen line to the Oxygen Plant-I old NB 800 Low Pressure Nitrogen line to avail an alternate source of the gas. The job was successfully completed within the stipulated time with total safety. The modification was incorporated in the interlocks and necessary revised SOP and SMP were also prepared.
The team won the Par Excellence Award in the Chapter level Convention of Quality Circles held recently by showcasing the project.

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