Sunday, February 23, 2025

Naba Kundali Viswa Santi at Bhabanipatna

Bureau Head (PKB) : whenever there is occurrence of evil forces reigning supreme to rattle the peace and harmony of human existence, the supreme Lord in the ordinary form of extraordinary radiation appears to establish peace, joy and ecstasy amongst human beings. The excessive contamination of our life has gone so pervasive that needs a solution. The Homo-Jagyan along with other spiritual activities are not only the panacea of all our problems but also help us to live in harmony with nature. The mother earth has gone disturbed by the cruel and criminal activities of so many people that requires healing. There are numerous spiritual organisations serving our society for our betterment and peace.
The renowned spiritual organization “Kalikrushna Sangha ” of Jeypore has received enormous amount of appreciation for undertaking welfare measures for our betterment. The Kalikrushna sangha is spiritually found to be doing good and great services towards showing the righteous path to millions.
The sangh is now at bhabanipatna of Kalahandi district where it has thousands of followers attending the Nabakundali Viswasanti dibasa. This year celebration is the 40th of its own. Thousands of Kalikrushna devotees are attending this holy celebration at Bandhopalo Village of Bhabanipatna in Kalahandi district. it would continue for three days. Gurudev Jagadananda Ji Maharaj, the fountain head behind this celebration and organization has undertaken the patronage of this holy celebration. This has given a marvellous chance to us to listen to Gurudev Jagadananda Ji Maharaj and learn many truths about our life as being stated by Mr. Arun Sadangi, a staunch devotee of Kalikrushna and Saibaba.
This pious organization of Nabakundali Viswa Santi by Kalikrushna devotees would go for three days 21,22,23 rd of March. Many devotees are found eager to learn about the realities of life from Swami Jagadananda Ji Maharaj. This is indeed a creation of holy ambience in Bandhopalo village where the sky is charged with the electrification of peace, harmony, joy and ecstasy.

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