Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ayurveda Leaves That You Should Have Regularly to Control High Uric Acid – N.F Times

Uric acid is a waste product which is found in the blood. It is created when the body breaks down an important chemical called purines. Most of the uric acid usually dissolves in the blood, passes through the kidneys and leaves the body in the form of urine. When there is a high uric acid present in the body, a condition called hyperuricemia can occur. This condition can lead to various health issues including gout, kidney stones and joint pain.

While the medication is often prescribed to manage the condition, Ayurveda, the Ancient Indian system of medicine, offers natural remedies to help control uric acid levels. Among these remedies are certain leaves known for their therapeutic properties. Incorporating these leaves can control high uric acid levels and promote overall well-being. Read below!


  1. Tulsi (Holy Basil): Tulsi is renowned for its medicinal properties and is considered a sacred plant in India. It has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce uric acid levels. Consuming tulsi leaves regularly can also help detoxify the body, thus preventing the accumulation of uric acid.
  2. Neem Leaves: Neem leaves have powerful detoxifying properties and are beneficial for blood purifying. They help in eliminating toxins from the body, including excess uric acid. They are high in antioxidants, which can relieve symptoms associated with high uric acid levels.
  3. Giloy: Giloy is a well-renowned herb in Ayurveda. It has immune-boosting properties and may aid in managing uric acid levels. Giloy can also help alleviate joint pain and inflammation caused by high uric acid.
  4. Coriander Leaves: Coriander leaves are most commonly used in Ayurveda for their health benefits. They contain compounds that help in reducing inflammation and flushing out toxins, including uric acids, from the body.
  5. Triphala: Triphala is a combination of three fruits- bibhitaki, amalaki, and haritaki. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce high uric acid. It also helps reduce inflammation associated with gout.

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