Saturday, September 7, 2024

Nexus Esplanade hosted Christmas Cake Mixing ceremony on 10th of December inside the mall atrium

Bhubaneswar : Spreading Happyness this Christmas by Nexus Esplanade Nexus Esplanade hosted Christmas Cake Mixing ceremony on 10th of December inside the mall atrium. Chefs from hotel industry, delegates , social media influencers , retail partners and customers along with the mall management team were part of the event. The cake mixing ceremony is done as a part of CSR initiative .The mix will be stored at a bakery and post that cakes will be made and distributed among different NGO’s for Christmas celebration. The Centre Director, Mr Parth Pratim Nayak, was immensely happy that they could connect to everyone through this social cause. The main thought behind this was spreading Happyness to everyone this Christmas.

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