Monday, March 10, 2025

The Union Of The Hindi Teachers Celebrate The Hindi Divas

Bargarh (Corresp.) : On Wednesday,September 14th ,2022 the union of the Bargarh hindi teachers celebrated the Hindi Divas at the Biju Pattnaik Hall in Bargarh town from 10am to 2pm where Mr. Mitrabhanu Kachhap , Bargarh DEO was the chief guest and Dr. Birendra Singh was the spokesperson in the event that’s why all the hindi teachers of the Bargarh district took part in the celebration. Dr. Dolamani Sahu , Dr. Dayanidhi Sa . Mr. Pradip Sahu,Mr. Trilochan Naik ,Mr. Balram Sahu,Mr. Manohar Sahu and Mr. Ram Kumar Patel participated in the Hindi Divas where they prayed to God Ganesh Baba and Godess Saraswati Maa in the beginning part of the event. In the Bargarh district hindi language was faced many problems in the schools and colleges which was not used as the third language in many schools thereupon the pupils didn’t get the knowledge of hindi .The state government included the vocational education in third language which was not good for the disciples of the schools.The cultural programs were held in the celebration . On that occasion the electronic and print media reporters were gathered to collect information about the celebration of the Hindi Divas.

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