Kerala: Malayalam film star Nivin Pauly has been booked in a gangrape case following allegations made by a woman from Ernakulam district. The incident reportedly took place in Dubai last year, where the woman claims Pauly and five others, including a producer, sexually assaulted her after promising a role in a film. Pauly, named as the sixth accused in the FIR, has vehemently denied the allegations, calling them “entirely untrue” and stating his intention to fight the charges legally.
The case has emerged amidst a surge of sexual harassment allegations in the Malayalam film industry, following the release of the Justice K Hema Committee report. This report highlighted widespread issues of sexual misconduct within the industry, prompting the Kerala government to form a special investigation team to address these complaints.
Pauly took to social media to express his stance, stating, “I have come across a false news report accusing me of abusing a girl. Please know that this is entirely untrue. I’m determined to go to any extent to prove these allegations are baseless and will take all necessary steps to bring those responsible to light.”