Kolkata: Renowned Bengali actor Rituparna Sengupta faced a hostile crowd during a protest in Kolkata on September 4, 2024. The demonstration was part of the “Reclaim the Night” campaign, organized in response to the recent rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College.
Sengupta, who has been vocal about seeking justice for the victim, joined the protest with the intention of showing solidarity. However, her presence was met with unexpected aggression. As she attempted to participate in the march, a section of the crowd began heckling her, raising slogans and creating chaos. The situation escalated to the point where her car was damaged, and she was physically jostled by the unruly elements.
In an interview, Sengupta expressed her shock and disillusionment over the incident. “I never thought that this was the face of our state. I was completely disillusioned,” she said. Despite the ordeal, she remained steadfast in her commitment to justice for the victim.
The protest, which saw thousands of women marching with candles and national flags, aimed to highlight the need for safety and justice for women in West Bengal. This was the second such protest, following a similar march on August 14.
Sengupta’s experience has sparked a broader conversation about the safety of public figures and the nature of public protests. Many have come forward to condemn the violence and express support for the actor’s right to protest peacefully.