Bhubaneswar: Subhadra Yojana Portal Launched by Odisha Deputy CM Pravati Parida. Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida today launched the portal for ‘Subhadra’ Yojana, a flagship scheme of the Odisha government to empower women.
Eligible women willing to apply for inclusion in the scheme can understand the complete process by visiting
Beneficiaries can get all the information related to Subhadra Yojana in this portal.
“‘Subhadra Yojana’ is a flagship scheme of the Odisha government. More than one crore women will be beneficiaries under this scheme. PM Modi will inaugurate it on September 17. Today the Odisha government launched a website which contains all the queries related to ‘Subhadra Yojana’. New announcements and changes related to the scheme will be on this portal,” says Odisha Deputy CM Pravati Parida